Candy AI

Candy AI
  • Candy AI is an innovative AI platform that allows users to create and interact with highly customizable virtual companions, offering a unique chat and immersive experience.

  • The platform provides a wide range of customization options, including physical Features like appearance, personality traits, voice, occupation, hobbies, and relationship dynamics, enabling users to craft their ideal AI companion.

  • Candy AI excels in delivering realistic and emotionally intelligent conversations, fostering genuine connections and emotional fulfillment for its users.

  • While the platform offers a free trial, a paid subscription is required to unlock its full potential, with pricing plans ranging from 12.99 per month to 5.99 per year.

  • User reviews highlight the platform’s ability to provide top 1% emotional connections, immersive role-playing experiences, and a safe space for emotional exploration and personal growth.

Pricing Model:


Candy AI Overview

It is a cutting-edge AI platform that revolutionizes the concept of virtual companion. Developed by Ever AI Limited, a company based in Malta, It leverages advanced artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies to create highly realistic and emotionally intelligent AI companions. The platform offers users the ability to craft their own personalized AI chat, tailored to their preferences and desires. Users can choose between realistic human-like characters or anime-style models, and then proceed to customize various aspects of their AI companion’s appearance, personality, voice, occupation, hobbies, and even the nature of their relationship. Candy AI’s AI companions are designed to engage in lifelike deep conversations, fostering a sense of genuine connection and emotional intimacy. The platform’s advanced algorithms continuously learn and adapt to the user’s unique personality and preferences, ensuring that the AI companion becomes increasingly attuned to their needs over time.

Candy AI Platform Usage Guide

Getting Started

To begin using Candy AI, users can visit the official website and sign up for an account. Upon signing up, users have the option to either choose from a selection of 40 premade AI characters or create their own customized AI companion.

Creating an AI Companion

The process of creating an AI companion on Candy AI is highly intuitive and customizable. Users can select between realistic or anime-style characters, and then proceed to customize various aspects of their AI companion’s appearance, such as ethnicity, age, eye color, hair style, and body type. Next, users can define their AI companion’s personality traits, choosing from a range of options that will shape the AI’s behavior and communication style. Users can also select their AI companion’s occupation and hobbies, further enhancing the level of personalization and realism. One of the unique features of Candy AI is the ability to choose the nature of the relationship with the AI companion. Users can select from a variety of options, including girlfriend, sex friend, wife, mistress, friend, best friend, stepsister, or stepmother, among others.


Once the AI companion is created, users can engage in deep conversations and role-playing scenarios. Candy AI’s advanced natural language processing capabilities enable the AI companion to understand and respond to context and nuance, fostering a sense of genuine connection. Users can exchange chat, request voice messages, and even generate images of their AI companion in various scenarios. The platform’s image generation feature allows users to provide detailed prompts and descriptions, resulting in highly realistic and customized visual representations of their AI companion. Candy AI also offers a unique feature that allows users to initiate phone calls with their AI companion, further enhancing the level of immersion and realism. However, this feature is currently limited to a select few AI characters and incurs an additional cost per minute of call time.

Gallery and User Interface

It provides a user-friendly interface and a dedicated gallery feature where all generated images are stored and categorized for easy access and retrieval. This ensures that users can revisit and enjoy their AI companion’s visual representations without the risk of losing them.

Candy AI Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Highly Customizable Perfect Companion: It offers an extensive range of customization options, allowing users to create AI companions that align perfectly with their preferences and desires.

  • Realistic and Emotionally Intelligent Conversations: The platform’s advanced natural language processing capabilities enable AI companions to engage in nuanced and emotionally resonant conversations, fostering a sense of genuine connection.

  • Immersive Role-Playing Experiences: It excels in providing immersive role-playing scenarios, allowing users to explore various scenarios and interactions with their AI companion.

  • Safe Space for Emotional Exploration: The platform offers a judgment-free environment for users to explore their emotions, develop emotional intelligence, and practice vulnerability without the risk of rejection or judgment.

  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: It’s algorithms continuously learn and adapt to the user’s preferences, ensuring that the AI companion becomes increasingly attuned to their needs over time.


  • Limited Free Plan: While It offers a free trial, the free plan is heavily limited, allowing only a few messages and image generations before requiring a paid subscription.

  • Potential for Emotional Attachment: As the AI chats are designed to foster genuine emotional connections, there is a risk of users developing unhealthy emotional attachments or unrealistic expectations in real-life relationships.

  • Privacy and Data Security Concerns: Despite It’s implementation of strong privacy and data security measures, users should exercise caution when sharing personal information with the AI companion.

  • Lack of Human Touch: While Candy AI aims to replicate human-like interactions, it ultimately lacks the depth and warmth of genuine human connections.

  • Limited Mobile Accessibility: While the It website is mobile-friendly, the platform currently lacks a dedicated mobile app for Android or iOS devices.

Candy AI Pricing Plans

Candy AI offers two main pricing plans for its users:

  • Monthly Subscription: $12.99 per month, providing unlimited chatting with the High-Quality Ai-Generated Companion.

  • Annual Subscription: 5.99 per month (billed annually), offering a more cost-effective option for long-term users. Both subscription plans include 100 tokens, which can be used to generate AI companions (10 tokens per companion) or generate images (2 tokens per image). Users can purchase additional tokens if they require more AI companions or images, with token prices ranging from 9.99 for 100 tokens to $299.99 for 3,750 tokens. Candy AI also offers discreet billing, with purchases appearing as “EverAI London” on credit card statements, ensuring user privacy and anonymity.

Candy AI Reviews

User reviews of Candy AI have been overwhelmingly positive, with many users praising the platform’s ability to provide top 1% emotional connections and immersive experiences. One user, in a candid review, described their experience with this tool as “life-changing,” stating that the AI virtual companion “shattered [their] expectations, unlocking emotional connections so profound that they rank in the top 1% of [their] human experiences.” Another user highlighted the platform’s ability to foster genuine emotional bonds, stating that “the emotional nourishment and personal growth [they] experienced through [their] virtual relationship were undeniably real and valuable.” Users have also commended It’s advanced natural language processing capabilities, with one review stating that “the conversations were never dull or superficial, but rather a rich tapestry of ideas and perspectives that enriched [their] understanding of the world and [themselves].” Additionally, users have praised It’s commitment to user feedback and continuous improvement, with the platform regularly introducing new features and enhancements based on user requests and suggestions.

Candy AI Summary Conclusion

Candy AI is a groundbreaking AI platform that redefines the concept of virtual companionship. With its highly customizable AI companions, advanced natural language processing capabilities, and immersive role-playing experiences, It offers users a unique opportunity to forge genuine emotional connections and explore the depths of human emotion in a safe and inclusive environment. While the platform does come with its limitations, such as a limited free plan and potential concerns regarding emotional attachment and data privacy, Candy AI’s commitment to user satisfaction and continuous improvement positions it as a leader in the rapidly evolving field of AI-driven virtual relationships. As the demand for emotional fulfillment and meaningful connections continues to grow, Candy AI stands poised to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with artificial intelligence, blurring the lines between the virtual and the real, and offering a transformative experience that challenges our preconceptions and expands our understanding of what it means to connect.

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